A healthy lunchbox for back to school success

A healthy lunchbox for back to school success

We're closing out on the first week of back to school for 2025 - how have you found getting back into packing lunch boxes? As the mornings grow busier, preparation is key to packing a nutritious, delicious lunch, your kids will love. There is a growing body of research that shows eating a healthy diet is key to a child's development, school performance and overall health. 

It's easy to say pack healthy lunches, but finding the time and right food can be a struggle, especially for those fussy eaters. Don't worry - I've got you covered with some tips and tricks to help keep your kids properly fuelled, and to help YOU see just how easy it is to prepare a quality lunch quick and easy!

Prep meals to save time

Now, I’m sure you’ve been told before, pack fruits and vegetables and not processed foods – you KNOW that – but that doesn’t mean it’s easy to do around work and other commitments. It’s easy to know what to do, but it’s hard to find the time – I’m a parent, I get it!

So, how can you prepare ahead of schedule? Write a list and shop for breakfast and lunch essentials in advance. The saying ‘Failing to plan is planning to fail’ rings true here. It’s much easier to have a plan and know what you are going to pack the night (or even a couple nights) before. 

Research shows (and well, personal experience with my kids) that kids are more likely to eat fruits and veggies when they’re cut up. I know – more work for you! But again, be prepared! On the days you’re least busy and have some extra time, chop up some fruits and veggies to have them ready for when you need them. Add a healthy dipping sauce like Greek yoghurt or Hummus to make them even more kid friendly.  It’s also a good idea to have grab-and-go produce like apples, bananas, baby carrots and grapes washed and ready to go on the kitchen counter.

Another great way to be lunch-box prepared is boiling some eggs at the start of the week! It’s a great source of protein, and super quick and easy. One pre-packed foods that is good for kids is nuts and seeds. Nuts and seeds are a great source of zinc, which is important for mood, the immune system and concentration. And the best thing – they take no work to prepare for school lunch!

Want a yummy, dessert-like snack? What about some protein balls? Not only do they taste good, but the kids can even help make them as an activity on the weekend. Bulk produce, so you’ve got some afternoon snacks and/or lunchbox snacks for the whole week.

Start the day strong! 

A healthy and nutritious breakfast is a critical step to keeping your kids going throughout the day, ensuring they have the energy to get the day started and can concentrate in the morning.

In fact, studies show school-aged kids perform better on tests and have improved concentration when they have a balanced breakfast.

When making your kids’ meals, be sure to include whole grains or enriched grains that are low in added sugars like bread and cereals. Quality carbs from grain-based foods are nutrient-rich and provide the brain with a steady supply of energy to facilitate learning.

An example of a balanced breakfast for kids is eggs, toast and fruit. To beat the morning rush, have hard-boiled eggs pre-made and a fruit salad on the fridge.

For those fussy eaters, a smoothie can be a great way to include all the nutrients and protein without making them feel too full.

Include omega-3 fats for heart, brain and eye health

Omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) are important throughout all stages of life – research shows they help maintain a healthy heart, positively impact brain function and cognitive development, and play a key role in eye health and visual development. The best sources are from fatty fish like salmon and tuna OR for those fussy eaters, you can also use a flavoured kids fish oil supplement.

Taste the rainbow

Each coloured food or vegetable provides a unique set of nutrients. So make sure you’ve got a range of leafy greens (high in magnesium), some orange (carrots or oranges for Vitamin C), a bit of red (tomato or strawberries for iron, calcium and magnesium), some yellow (bananas for potassium) and a splash of blue (blueberries for some more vitamin c).

Keep your kids hydrated! 

It’s extremely important for kids to stay well hydrated to prevent fatigue and keep concentration levels going strong. Proper hydration can also help them maintain a healthy weight as dehydration often masks itself as hunger and can cause children (and adults) to overeat. Skip the sugary energy drinks and sodas and give your kids a water bottle instead. If your kids get bored with plain water, add some slices of citrus, berries, or a bit of 100 per cent fruit juice to the water. 
Using these back-to-school nutrition tips, you can set the tone for the school term and support not only your children’s health, happiness and success but the whole families too! 

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