Excerpt from the Protocol PDF
Dr. Simeons developed his weight loss plan based on observations of weight loss while working in India using hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) supplements in adiposogenital dystrophic boys. The boys treated had improvement with their undescended testis, but they also lost the abnormal fat stores around the abdomen, hips and fat pad at the base of the neck. With this knowledge, Dr. Simeons brought his plan back to Rome where he treated the rich and famous for nearly 30 years. Over that time, he perfected his program.
The hypothalamus is a part of the brain stem. It is the oldest part of the brain. It is in control of our involuntary functions, including fat storage. The hypothalamus thinks we should still be hunter gatherers, so as our society changed and we started eating scheduled meals with much higher calorie intake, the hypothalamus hit its limit of calories it knew how to process. To compensate for the extra calories, it pushed these aside into abnormal fat stores. These fat stores were then forgotten by the brain and inaccessible by the body to use as fuel. This is why a person who is losing weight by cutting calories or through bariatric surgery can look gaunt and still has large hips or a bulging stomach. Using hCG combined with a very low calorie diet tricks the hypothalamus into thinking you are in a starvation state so it then liberates calories from the abnormal fat stores for survival.
While going through the program you are not living on food intake. You are living on the calories liberated by hCG from your abnormal fat stores. This can be 2000 to 4000 calories per day. The diet associated with the program is very restrictive and should be followed closely. Dr. Simeons perfected this over decades of research. We have made few changes, but feel the changes are fitting to our current society and the problems we face today.
This program is different from any out there because:
1) It resets the hypothalamus so you don’t gain the weight back after you have completed the program
2) It targets the abnormal fat (the fat you cannot lose with diet and exercise)
3) The skin retracts as you lose the fat and shrinks down with the loss in size
hCG is not a hormone, it is a complex molecule that contains over 300 aminopeptides. It is found in every human tissue in males and females. Its primary purpose appears to be protecting an embryo from being rejected. The embryo is genetically 50% from the father so there is a risk the maternal body will see it as foreign. A miscarriage would be the result of this rejection without hCG. hCG performs many other functions in the body, some well documented such as its affect on the hypothalamus in weight loss. Research is ongoing into other benefits of hCG.
So congratulations! You are about to embark on a weightloss journey that will change your life forever!