Suite 2, 1-3 Barlow St South Townsville South Townsville QLD 4810 Australia
This questionnaire is a valuable tool for your Practitioner to gain information about your current symptoms and health concerns and will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. The answers to these questions can provide insight in to how your body is operating and it is with this information your practitioner is able to see areas of your health which are good and areas which need improvement. The aim of this form is to not treat nor diagnose, but give you a taste of what is assessed in a consultation with your practitioner. Use this completed form to show your practitioner areas of concern during a consultation or present to a staff member when you pop in-store. It is the job of the staff member or practitioner to use this information to best address any areas of health concern. This form is of no charge and will download once processed through the checkout.
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